
Everything grows from within. As a flower blossoms from the bud and the tree grows from a seed, so all our perceptions, thoughts, feelings and actions flow from our inner awareness.

Meditation dives into our inner awareness, the root of our consciousness. It can therefore benefit everything that is determined by our inner awareness – which is virtually every aspect and activity of our outer life.

It is said that “We are what we eat,” which is absolutely true on a physical, energetic level. Yet how much truer to say that we are what we think; what we feel; what we long for. Just as our commitment to good health demands we take control of our diet, so – if we are to be happy and fulfilled – is it essential to take control of what we think, feel and long for.

Yet how to do this?

The surest way is to go to the root: beyond the source of our thoughts, feelings and longings. This is practically the definition of meditation.

The root sustains the tree. Meditation re-connects us with our roots, and thus nourishes our inner – and hence our outer – awareness. Regular practice of meditation can thereby affect, influence, sharpen, enhance, intensify and expand our perceptions, thoughts, feelings and responses. It can change us at the level of our very being, and every dimension that flows from there.

Want to sleep better? Swim better? Play the harp better? Meditate …

Want to control thoughts, desires, feelings, responses? Meditate …

Want to understand yourself and your role in life, the world, the cosmos? Meditate …

Want to be happy, not by having, but by simply Being? Meditate …

How can meditation expedite all these goals and much more? The same way one Sun nourishes all living things …