As our mind gradually develops a tolerance for inner silence, with practise, we acquire the crucial capacity to detach ourselves from thoughts. In the beginning, this is difficult because we identify ourselves with our thoughts – we feel we are our thoughts. It is impossible to detach ourselves from that we consider to be our very existence, like separating the fragrance from a flower, or blue from the sky.

Once we realise that thoughts are not something we are, but things we have, like clothes from our wardrobe, or tracks selected from a playlist, only then can we imagine existing apart from our thoughts. Once we conceive ourselves as separate to our thoughts, we realise it is not inevitable that thoughts dominate us.

Thoughts do not own us, and cannot be allowed any more to control us.

As our own sovereign consciousness, we must take control of our mind’s immigration policy, and carefully choose, to which thoughts we will issue entry visas to live, study and work in our consciousness-realm.

It is useless to have a policy we cannot enforce. If we are to determine which thoughts we allow to enter, we must know we can exclude those we wish to exclude: we must first develop the enforcement capability to exclude all thoughts.

Detachment is the key, and must be practised. You are here: your mind is there. Imagine your mind is a pristine whiteboard; continually erase each and every thought-mark. Your mind is the sky – keep your mind-sky blue, empty of thought-clouds. Thoughts are projected onto an outdoor screen; remove the screen and the projections are lost into the night. Your mind is a silent, sound-proof room and thoughts are chattering monkeys, helplessly stuck outside with no access.

In detachment, thought-control grows; from detachment, thought-mastery flows.