Learn to meditate

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“If we practise meditation daily,
rest assured that the problems of our life,
inner and outer, are solved.”
– Sri Chinmoy

About meditation

“Life is given to each human being
For a very special purpose.
This secret each human being
Must discover for himself.”
– Sri Chinmoy

About Sri Chinmoy

All of our classes, concerts and other events are inspired by meditation Master

Sri Chinmoy, who dedicated his life in service to aspiring humanity.

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Meditation matters

A weekly journal and podcast published each Thursday, exploring the many worlds of meditation

422: The Wardrobe

422: The Wardrobe

This notion of a hidden portal, bridge or secret passageway to another, usually better, brighter or vaster realm, located within our physical world and yet existing entirely parallel to or beyond it, forms a thread from ancient legends, through folklore, poetry and literature to modern fiction and games.
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421: Your Soul-Child

421: Your Soul-Child

Go deep, deep under the sea, to where all is silent, invisible and unreachable from the surface world. Rising from the sea floor a mountainous landscape looms, silent, mythical. Hidden half-way up the side of a steep canyon, the mouth of a cave.
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420: Having and Being

420: Having and Being

Whatever we grasp, we can drop; whatever we learn, we can forget; whatever we make, can be broken; whatever we find, can be lost. Whatever we have, can be un-had … but what we are, we can never not be.
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419: It’s Always Personal

419: It’s Always Personal

The personal embodies the universal. The personal is our window and key, to the universal.
We are the world – collectively, and individually. Everything in the world, is within all, and each of us – all the good and bad, beautiful and ugly, divine and undivine. We are the drops, our world the ocean.
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418: For Every Poison, an Antidote

418: For Every Poison, an Antidote

Just as we contain every poisonous plant – fear, doubt, anxiety, insecurity, pride, jealousy, frustration, hatred, depression – so, we also contain somewhere nearby, each antidote – love, sympathy, faith, hope, gratitude, humility, enthusiasm, patience, cheerfulness.
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417: Learning in Silence

417: Learning in Silence

Just look at a baby. The greater part of all we ever learn about life, we learn in our first six months. Does the baby learn with words, thoughts, reasoning? No! A baby learns by observation, imitation, assimilation and application. There is no mind involved, because the baby has not yet developed the mind. Ironically, there is no greater barrier to learning in our entire existence, than our mind.
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416: Every Moment, a Golden Opportunity

416: Every Moment, a Golden Opportunity

No matter what outer situation we find ourselves in, there is always a meditation technique that is applicable in the moment. In our spiritual life, every moment is a unique gift to be treasured, a golden opportunity for progress and growth.
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415: Meditating on our Birthday (2)

415: Meditating on our Birthday (2)

Intuitively, we know our birthdays are special, which is why we celebrate them. If our values are material and social, we celebrate with gifts and indulging in outer pleasures with friends. If our values are spiritual, we will give priority to our source – our soul, and its Source – God, remembering and focusing on the purpose for which our soul took birth in this form at this time.
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